Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips Free - 10 Tips to Lose Weight Fast-how Can I Lose Weight and Build Muscle

Lose weight Diet Plan free tips, articles, advice, guide, tops and plan with easy DIY method. You can lose weight in two ways through a diet plan or by doing exercises and workout. The most effective and best way to start losing pounds of fat and weight.

Lose weight advice online is not in short supply. Most of them will give you information on what kind of product to use or exercise to do. But losing weight is best done by a combination of methods and mental and physical preparedness to see it through. There are some very simple steps that you can take and Do it yourself starting to lose weight in days.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 1: Make a List of Foods

If you are trying to reduce weight by doing it yourself, then you can start by simply making a list of all the things you eat in a week. The easiest way to do this is to have a notebook with you at all times and take down all the food you eat and that includes breakfast, brunch, snacks, lunch, and even bitings. You may want to however consider the foods that are more frequent than the ones that are one offs. Once you have made your list you can now start to look at it closely with an intention of making a personal weight loss program that works.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 2: Review Your List

Your first list of foods you eat is your first step in identifying what you are eating wrong. You now need to review that list to find out which foods are unhealthy and leading to your weight gain. While reviewing your list, you should bear in mind that foods like fats do not help you lose weight, calorie intake not be too high since this only adds to more weight. Remove the unhealthy foods that you identified from your list as they cannot help you to lose weight.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 3: Replace the Foods Removed From List

Calorie intake is very critical and should not be reduced dramatically trying to lose weight. You will need to replace the foods that you remove from the list with more healthy foods that will help with your quest to lose weight. Replacing fatty foods with fiber and natural foods will help a lot.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 4: Make a Meal Plan for a Week

After replacing the foods in your previous diet, you need to make a healthy weight loss diet plan for a week. This diet plan should be the tightest, basic but healthy meal plan. Make sure that it is a well balanced diet. While making the lose weight diet program, you need to ensure that it has all the three important food types including some vitamins. The other most important thing is that your fat burning diet plan should be made such that it gradually reduces the amount of calorie content.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 5: Ration and Control Your Portions

This is where discipline is needed to maintain a program to lose weight. Most people lose out the battle in weight loss by not sticking to the defined weight loss diet plan. Sneaking and taking a bite of the banned foods just delays your body’s reaction to a diet plan. Similarly, even the portions of the right weight loss plan should be taken in moderation not to exceed the necessary daily calorie intake for desired results.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 6: Eat fiber foods

Foods with fiber are good for your stomach. It helps you to lose weight faster since fiber makes digestion and assimilation of food into the body faster. Some of the good fiber foods include dried apricots, rice, tomatoes, nuts and most fruits. Fiber foods will assist in your realizing weight loss results faster than if you did not take them.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 7: Take lots of water

Taking lots of water will also assist you to lose lots of weight fast. The body has a way of retaining water when it detects that the body is getting dehydrated. When you go on diet and fail to take enough water, your body goes in a distress mode and starts to retain water in some not so cute areas. This increases the overall weight in your body and it may make you deflated to realize little gains in weight loss. So water retention in your body is the first thing you have to get rid of and to do that you need to take more and more water.

Lose weight diet Plan Tips # 8: Work out or do some Exercise

To lose weight fast, you can decide to go either the diet plan way or the workout way. Losing weight through exercising achieves faster results and also burns fat into lean muscle. The best way to lose weight naturally however is to combine exercises and a good diet plan. Exercising also reduces the chance of developing muscular atrophy and keeps your body air and blood circulation in top form. You do not need to join a gym if you don’t have the money for that but you can do some easy exercises right at home without much stress.

Weight loss Diet Plan Tips # 9: Take aerobics

Aerobics are good for your heart and also help in faster weight loss. Most aerobic exercises will also burn the fat found in your belly, thighs, back and legs giving you a lean frame. Again, you don’t have to go to a gym to do aerobics if you can’t get the time or you don’t want to spend too much money. Some aerobics that you can do on your own include brisk walking, jogging, swimming and even dancing.

Weight Loss Diet Plan Tips # 10: Discipline, Motivation Consistency

It is not easy to follow strictly, a good weight loss diet program. Most of the times especially after the first week you will find the urge to sneak a bite of chocolate, burger or any of these foods. In fact, after sometime, your selected weight loss diet program will taste so routine you dread your next meal. But this is where you need the discipline and focus on your goal.

Again it’s good to work from a perspective of a targeted weight level rather than just saying you want to lose weight. Say, you want to be a size XYZ rather than, “I want to lose weight”. Stick to your guns and you will be propelled by the initial gains to achieve even more.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Natural Weight Loss & Its Benefits

Natural weight loss is the safest and most effective method to lose weight. When we eat good quality foods our bodies will take their own natural course and lose weight. A healthy diet combined with a regular exercise
program is definitely the way to proceed.

Natural weight loss is a big subject today for many people who do not understand the principle of eating only the amount they need for the amount physical activity they perform; nevertheless how many people follow this advice. You would think it would immediately put all those specialist diet companies and the whole industry out of business but that is not the case; a third of overweight Americans and millions globally, would disagree with this advice. Natural weight loss is related to Absolutelythin.com. Our current best medication for appetite and hunger suppression is a form of combination therapy using 2 prescription medications. Natural weight loss requires a clear vision and dedication. But, it is possible.

Natural weight loss is the perfect product for a home based business. Our natural products have many different uses, our natural products reduce cravings for successful weight loss. Natural weight loss is the best weight loss. Sustained weight loss is much easier to achieve with
a drug free weight loss regimen. Natural weight loss is the simple process of taking in less food and exercising more. This is without a doubt both the healthiest and cleanest method to lose weight.

Natural weight loss is the safest and most effective way at losing weight and helping you boost your health at the same time. If you are not a very strong willed person, then natural weight loss supplements do have the ability to give you a push in the right direction. Natural weight loss is especially important at the teenage years, as you are undergoing changes which can be stunted or dangerously accelerated without the proper fitness guidelines.

Dieting is most prevalent in western societies, so we would expect to see everyone getting thinner . No despite a vast dieting industry, the populations have been getting fatter and fatter! Dieting actually slows down your metabolic rate. For your body dieting is starvation, and it does not know how this starvation will last. Dietrine continues with this dedication though by providing the following free bonus offers with all paid offers.

Diet pills are not part of a healthy weigh loss program
and are never part of a natural weight loss plan. Most diet pills have very unhealthy side effects. Dietary Pills and weight-loss pills like Curvelle aren't subject to the same rigorous standards as are prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications. Thus, they can be sold with little proof of effectiveness or safety. The truth about dieting is that the weight comes off and in a short while we gain it all back. Most diets either have you starving your system or else
they are not geared realistically for you to follow for
the rest of your life.

Starting any natural weight loss program is an ongoing process, not an instantaneous, miracle cure.

Exercise and diet is a must: try to incorporate it into your routine activities. You can go everywhere with a little will power. The essential ingredient in a natural weight loss program is exercise; natural weight loss is improved by the addition of regular exercise, and of course, you will achieve much
better results than when dieting alone. Not only does exercise contribute to weight loss, rapid weight loss is also accompanied by reduced stress levels, an energy boost, increased body endurance, a reduced risk for diseases, and an overall improvement in the quality of life.

In this instance healthy refers to low in fat, salt and
sugar while including whole grains, vegetable and fruit. You can find a ton of healthy and delicious natural food recipes online. Healthy cooking requires just general cooking techniques. Natural cooking methods definitely provide the best flavor and also enables your food to retain its nutrition. Natural weight loss is very easy with the correct weight loss program.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Weight loss and Dieting

People who lose weight quickly by "crash" dieting or other extreme measures usually gain it all back or gain even more of the pounds that they lost because they haven't permanently changed their eating habits. As a general rule though, most nutrition experts recommend never going below 1,000-1,200 calories a day if you're dieting on your own. This explains why it's crucial to do as much as you can to protect your metabolic rate, especially when you're dieting. And this means dieting sensibly with a suitable, rather than a very low calorie intake so that you lose fat rather than muscle.


Weight-loss typically involves the loss of fat, water and muscle. Weight management is about long-term success & will hopefully last a lifetime. Weight gain is often linked to certain medication, such as HRT, the contraceptive pill and steroids. Weight-Loss is something that many Americans struggle with. Weight-loss dieting increases the risk of developing gallstones. Weight cycling, or losing and regaining weight repeatedly, may increase the risk of developing gallstones. Weight reduction diets include medically supervised diets; self-administered diets; commercial diet organizations and centers; weight-loss support groups or behavior modification programs; "fad" diets; "sensible, well-balanced" diets; in-hospital fasts; very-low-calorie diets (VLCDs); prepackaged food plans; and diets supplemented by drugs or artificial food products or supplements. Weight-loss diets have long been promoted as a permanent cure for "obesity," although they rarely produce long-lasting or permanent results. Healthy rate to lose weight is about 2lb a week on average.


Dietary fiber is another food component which influences health even though it is not actually absorbed into the body. Diets affect the "energy in" component of the energy balance by limiting or altering the distribution of foods. Diets can be boring and there’s always a temptation to return to old habits.


Diets do not lead to sustained weight loss or health benefits for the majority of people. Diets cannot help but fail because bodies were never meant to engage in repetitive cycles of dramatic weight loss and weight gain. Diets that don't include a variety of nutritious foods, or have too few calories, can be dangerous for kids. In most cases the goal is weight loss, but some athletes aspire to gain weight (usually in the form of muscle) and diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight. There are several kinds of diets:Weight-loss diets restrict the intake of specific foods, or food in general, to reduce body weight. Many professional athletes impose weight-gain diets on themselves. American football players may try to "bulk up" through weight-gain diets in order to gain an advantage on the field with a higher mass. Individuals who are underweight, such as those recovering from anorexia nervosa or starvation, may adopt weight-gain diets which, unlike those of athletes, have the goal of restoring normal levels of body fat, muscle, and stores of essential nutrients. As more cultures scrutinize their diets, many parents consider putting their children on restricted diets that actually do more harm than good. Unless a doctor says otherwise, low-carb, low-fat, or other specialty diets for children who are not heavily obese are unhealthy because they deprive the body of the building blocks of cells (namely energy and lipids in the above examples).


Dieting sets up a psychological state of childhood and usually fails in the long run, study finds. Dieting actually causes some people to gain weight.

Dieting can cause the following side effects:

- It may make you feel hungry and preoccupied with food (thinking about it all the time)

- Distracted and tired

- Sad and unmotivated

- Cold and dizzy

- And deprived of foods you enjoy.

Dieting before Pregnancy, many doctors do emphasize losing weight before beginning apregnancy. Dieting (especially strongly hypocaloric diets) tend to deplete the body of vitamins and minerals, and particularly of B vitamins. It is already a stress on the body; add in nutritional depletion before taking on the stress of making another little human being inside you (and all the huge hormonal changes associated with that). Dieting after pregnancy has special implications when breastfeeding.

Studies have found relations between dieting and low self-worth in 8-year-old girls and dieting and the development of eating disorders in overweight and obese adults.


Dieting creates more problems than it solves; dieting and overeating become a vicious circle. Dieters never stop dieting, and never stop using the dieting industry. Dieters have double the risk of getting type-2 diabetes compared to those who are overweight but do not diet.

As a general rule, until you have seen your GP, I suggest you stop thinking about dieting and losing weight and instead concentrate on eating a healthy, balanced diet that contains a wide range of foods. Did you know that by far, the biggest secret to losing fat is detoxifying your colon and liver?

Good luck dieting and remember to eat smart.

Friday, September 12, 2008

You Should Know How Your Diet Is Supposed To Work

The vast majority of people start dieting in order to lose weight. Losing weight can be accomplished in a number of ways. A diet is simply a specific method for accomplishing that task.

When one decides that they need to lose weight, the first thing that must be considered is the reason for wanting to lose weight. Is the weight loss going to be directed at a way to gain better health or is it more of a vanity reason? The reason for dieting is as important as the method used to lose the weight.

If attaining a more healthy lifestyle and striving for better health is the reason, it should not be of any concern how long the dieting takes to achieve the weight loss goal, if in fact there is a goal. If good health is the main objective, length of time should not be an issue because the diet should simply be a part of a life-style change in which the dieting change would be a long-term part of the life-style anyway.

If, on the other hand, vanity is the reason and the dieting person is hell bent on losing a significant amount of weight in a short period of time in order to fit into an object of clothing or simply to look great at the class reunion in a month, the method chosen for dieting will be completely different and, most likely, quite unhealthy.

Long term lifestyle type diets are usually of the type that occur in small increments of weight loss and continue as exercise is slowly increased and more healthy food, in smaller portions is consumed. These are usually quite simple diets that don't cause a significant amount of suffering as long as the dieting person is committed to the long-term goals.

The vanity type diet is usually a quick but very self-denying diet in which the dieting person eats very little or eats foods that do not tempt the pallet as far as taste or attractiveness go. Often, very large amounts of water are incorporated into these diets and most people do not drink enough water to begin with. When they are confronted with the need to increase their water intake significantly, they hesitate or they are not very compliant. Water, when one is not thirsty, simply does not taste very good.

The vanity diet also usually requires a substantial increase in activity in the form of exercise and most people have a strong aversion to that form of activity.

There are also diets that are not in either the lifestyle change nor the vanity dieting lists but are really a forced lifestyle change that is completely necessary for the dieting person to continue to live. Once such diet is the diabetic diet. If one ignores their diabetes and continues to eat large amounts of carbohydrates, as most Americans do, they will eventually suffer serious health deterioration. So, the necessary-for-life diets are not the ones we are really concerned with in this article.

There are a number of different diets available for each of the non-necessity diets. The basic lifestyle change diet has already been described though some of the latter day fad diets are also appropriate for long-term dieting if the person doing the dieting is indeed dedicated to the lifestyle change. Some specific fad diets that would work for this person are the Atkins or low-carb diet, The Zone diet or the South Beach diet.

The extreme vanity diet person can also use the low carb diet for fast weight loss or they can try starvation or if they really want to lose weight fast and suffer a bit more but at least retain some type of decent health, they can attempt the Lemonade Diet.

The lemonade diet is highly effective but is more a fast than a diet and a special mixture of water, cayenne pepper, lemon juice and syrup are required. One must be highly dedicated to losing weight for this diet to work as no food is allowed for a period of at least ten days and the Lemonade dieter will feel worse before they feel like a million dollars. The diet is extremely effective for losing ten pounds or more in ten days though. The added benefit of this diet is that it does a thorough job of cleaning the colon.

Each one of the above mentioned diets should be highly suspect and not just accepted for it's reputation or the current fad. One who is considering dieting should, at the very least, buy the book that is written about the diet in order to learn how the diet works with the body and effects the different body systems. Each of the authors has a lot of information included in their book about these concerns.

The main point of this article is to point out to anyone who is considering dieting that they should be very careful and choose a diet that meets their goals and health concerns. Don't blindly go into any diet without knowing how it's supposed to effect you, what you're supposed to eat while on the diet, how much weight you are expected to lose in a specific period of time and what are the benefits and health concerns that attach to that diet.

In fact, it is a very good idea to discuss any diet plans with your health care professional prior to starting or even considering one of the above diets.