Thursday, October 30, 2008

How to Lose Weight With Your Partner: Losing With Love

How to lose weight with your partner could mean losing at love. Not losing love for your partner of course, but it might mean you have to lose some of the foods you love. It’s always easier if you lose with love, with your partner standing by your side (or over your plate).

Learning how to lose weight with your partner isn’t just a matter of counting calories. Whether you and your partner are both trying to lose weight, or you’re struggling how to lose weight with your thinner partner around - learning how to lose weight as a couple will give you the support you need to meet your weight loss goals. Support in the form of a cheerleader isn’t enough (although you might like to see your partner in a cheer leading outfit). Communication, respect, understanding, patience, and love all have an important part in the dieting game.

If you’re engaged, you might want to study how to lose weight with your partner before you exchange your “I do have.” Getting married and gaining weight go hand in hand. A study in Psychology Today found that women carried an extra 37 pounds IF they were happily married. Women who were unhappily married must have found their comfort in food, because they gained an average of 54 pounds. The study also showed that the majority of women who wanted to lose weight thought it would help them keep their husbands, or at least liven up their sex life. Women aren’t the only weight victims in marriage though. A Cornell University study pointed out that men gain more weight than women during marriage. Fortunately, a study done by the University Department of Medicine, Royal Perth Hospital, Australia, found that the couples that diet together lose weight together.

Learning how to lose weight together means you must communicate about your weight loss plans. You’re going to have to communicate on how your shopping, cooking and eating plans will change, what dietary substitutes will have to be made, which aspect of the dieting will be most difficult, and what kind of support you would like from each other. What one partner may see as “reminding,” another may see as “nagging.” As you’re following your weight loss plans, make sure you keep the lines of communication open, and share your frustrations and aggravations, as well as your congratulations with each other. Having respect for each other is one of the most important things you can do to successfully lose weight together. Encourage your partner to lose weight; don’t condemn them if they have a relapse during their dieting. Don’t tempt them with food they can’t have. Scientific studies have proved over and over again that self-confidence is a huge factor in how to lose weight without putting it back on.

How to lose weight with your partner is just a matter of loving and supporting each other. Building each other up, with or without the cheer leading outfits on, is a great way to help each other lose weight. Coupling up on the same weight loss plan, such as the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program, which allows substantial proportions, is a great way to make meals feel as if they are still a substantial entrĂ©e, and not just a plate of rabbit food. Losing weight with your partner gives you a stronger guarantee that you’ll lose the weight, and keep it off. Gain together, lose together, and live happily ever after - because everything is easier when you’re in love.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

How to Lose Weight: Don’t Lose Your Sleep and You’ll Lose Your Weight

Weight loss is more effective when you don’t lose sleep. One of the best ways to learn how to lose weight is to learn how to get a good night’s sleep.

How to lose weight without losing sleep is important to learn not only for your emotional well-being, but also for your physical well-being and the success of your weight loss goals. Staying up all night worrying about your diet struggles or a failure isn’t going to help you lose weight – in fact; it’s likely to help you gain weight. If you want to lose weight, you can’t lose sleep. Learning how to get a good night’s sleep will also teach you how to be more successful with your weight loss program.

Over 70,000 women were monitored for over a decade in a study conducted by the Care Western University and presented by the American Thoracic Society in 2006. This study is one of the largest studies ever conducted on the relationship between sleep and losing weight, and it found a direct correlation between weight loss and sleep. Women who slept five hours or less gained substantially more weight, (an average of 33 pounds), over the years than the women who had seven hours of sleep, and light sleepers had a higher risk of obesity. Researchers also found that sleep had a higher impact on future weight gain than eating and exercising, although they emphasized that eating and exercise are still dominating forces in weight gain or weight loss. Numerous studies around the world have conclusively shown that lack of sleep also contributes to poor cognitive thinking, a lower immune system, and an onset of adult diabetes.

Sleep also affects your hormones that communicate your “hunger” and “full” indicators, which obviously have a great deal of influence on how easily you’re going to be able to lose weight. These “eating” hormones are called “ghrelin,” which tells you you’re hungry, and “leptin,” which tells you you’re full. When you’re tired, ghrelin (hunger) goes up, and leptin (full) goes down. Despite this fact, the notable weight loss research done by Care Western University found that the dieters that slept less gained weight even though they did not eat more.

Although the idea of sleeping all day to lose weight sounds luxurious, it won’t work. Sleeping too much was also proven to contribute to weight gain. Learning how to get the right amount of sleep is the secret to learning how to use your sleeping patterns to supplement your weight loss goals. Getting your recommended sleep of 8-9 hours, getting proper exercise, and participating in a proven weight loss plan, such as the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program, is the healthiest way to lose weight and reach your weight loss goals.

How to lose weight and keep the weight off means you need to get a good night’s rest. So stop staying up all night worrying about how you’re going to lose weight. You can sleep peacefully knowing that you’re doing the right thing to contribute to your weight loss goals. Learn how to gain some sleep, and you’ll learn how to lose weight. Use the valuable weight-loss advice from these weight loss studies and take a nap. At least sleep on it, and you’ll still be thinner and healthier in the mornings to come.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Weight Loss and Emotional Eating: Lose Weight by Discovering yourself

Weight loss doesn’t have to be an emotional affair. Discovering your emotional eating habits before you begin to lose weight can go a long way in helping you lose weight, and keep the weight off.

Weight loss experts report you’ll gain confidence after you lose weight. Although true, science is proving that it’s more important for the success of your weight loss program that you gain confidence before dieting, or even during dieting, to be able to successfully reach your weight loss goals. Emotional eating often leads to binge eating, particularly if you’ve been denying yourself your favorite foods to lose weight. Weight loss gets significantly more challenging when you turn to food for boredom, loneliness, comfort, depression, insecurity, celebration or anger. Losing weight to gain confidence means you have to gain confidence in your ability to lose weight first.

Emotional eating is common, and some studies estimate that 75% of the population participates in “emotional eating.” Short bursts of emotional eating certainly isn’t harmful to healthy diets, but more often than not, our emotional eating doesn’t result in bingeing on bowls full of celery sticks. If you’re thinking about participating in a weight loss program to lose weight, or you’re currently trying to lose weight with your own diet plan, keep of journal of when you feel the need for “emotional eating” and what foods you typically eat under the circumstances. Being aware of yourself and your habits is the first step when trying to lose weight with any weight loss plan.

Stress can lead to overeating. This could be ingrained. Studies from Emory University showed that subordinate monkeys ate more often, and ate more foods high in fat than the dominant females. Another factor is whether your emotional eating is “external” or “internal.”

External emotional eating occurs if you eat more socially at parties, or overeat because you are with someone who is overeating. Internal emotional eating occurs when you plop down on the couch with a bag of munchies and say, “I’m bored” or “I’m depressed.” A study by the Miriam Hospital's Weight Control & Diabetes Research Center found that “external emotional eaters” were better at retaining their weight loss goals than the “internal emotional eaters.” Internal emotional eaters end up regaining weight, and go on and off endless weight loss programs to continue losing weight. Recognizing your internal emotional eating habits gives you the knowledge to fight emotional eating when your emotions try to override your motivation to lose weight.

You may see yourself as a self-confident person, however, after examining your diet patterns, you might find that you lack self-efficacy; which believes you have the ability to reach a specific goal. Self-efficacy was a contributing factor in a Queensland University weight loss study. In this study, the women with higher rates of self-efficacy were able to meet their dieting goals because they believed they could, and they sought the education to do so. Gaining education, believing in you, and getting encouragement from others are recommended to increase self-efficacy levels that would have a positive affect on a dieter’s weight loss program.

Weight loss plans must consider the emotional aspect of losing weight. If emotional behaviors, weight loss education and dieting confidence are gained at the beginning of the weight loss plan, the weight loss is more likely to stay lost. Science is proving that if you believe you can lose weight, and then you’ll be able to do it. Start your journal and get a grip on your emotional eating, especially while you’re trying to lose weight.

Gain a few pounds of self-confidence, and lose a few pounds of weight. If you need help, try a weight loss program like the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program that has a strong support group. You can control the food instead of letting it control you. Just learn and believe.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How to Lose Weight Without Losing Meat: the Weight Loss Program for Meat Lovers

How to lose weight while still being able to eat meat has to be given serious consideration in all diet eating plans. Weight loss programs must focus on protein and nutrients. Without it, you might lose weight, but you won’t be able to function.

How to lose weight without losing the juicy meat that you’ve become accustomed to is not only possible, it’s healthy. Meat provides valuable micronutrients – nutrients that your body doesn’t naturally produce. Planning a diet to lose weight by eliminating meat from your diet can also eliminate iron, selenium, Vitamin A, B12 and folic acid.

Planning to lose weight by substituting greens in your diet’s eating plans won’t help either, because these micronutrients generally don’t occur naturally in plant derived food. Dieting with meat should be a necessary component of a healthy weight loss program. For the benefit of your health, you should seriously consider how to lose weight with meat in your diet eating plans.

Meat not only provides important micronutrients, but it’s a rich source of protein and necessary for healthy growth. Protein is one of the most important dietary resources that your body needs, especially when you are on a weight loss program. Protein takes a systematic approach to your body, from your brain to your waistline and down to your toenails. Protein helps brain cells, lung cells, muscles, bones, and repairs just about everything.

It carries oxygen to our cells and makes enzymes to digest the food we eat (whether we’re trying to lose weight or not). It also runs through our blood and is responsible for our hair, fingernails and toenails. Learning how to include meat in your diet when you’re trying to lose weight is necessary for every part of your body - from your head down to your toes. Meat, unlike other foods, contains the complete amino acids for total body functioning. There’s no sense trying to lose weight if you’re not going to be functioning after your weight loss program.

A healthy weight loss program that helps you learn how to lose weight, and teaches you how to conjure up some new recipes to help you lose weight, is the Atkins diet. This decades old diet plan survives because it is successful, and time has provided the opportunity for scientific studies to prove the health benefits of the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program. Atkins found another benefit of meat – it lowers food cravings. And that dietary benefit works particularly well in foods with high carbohydrates, which are the foods that the Atkins diet restricts. This discovery made it possible for dieters to learn how to lose weight without losing the meat in their diet eating plans.

How to lose weight without losing the succulent meat that is now a part of your daily diet is possible with the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program. Since meat has properties that hinder food cravings, people are more successful when dieting with the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program compared to other weight loss programs. Losing weight while maintaining the proper level of the proteins and micronutrients will keep your body functioning healthy, even with other dietary restrictions.

The Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program is the meat-lovers diet. Learn how to lose weight with the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program, and you’ll be able to lose weight along with the calorie-inducing food cravings that are inevitable with most diets. Try the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program if you’re looking for a weight loss program that allows you to eat the healthy meats you’ve grown up with. Diet to lose weight, not meat.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Atkins Diet: Eating to Lose Weight With the Atkins Weight Loss Program

The Atkins Diet has been proven to be a successful way to lose weight. Although the validity of reducing carbohydrates has been hotly disputed – time has let science prevail. Atkins diet works to lose weight.

The Atkins Diet hasn’t been hiding under an upside-down bowl of chocolate pudding over the last few decades. The Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program has been helping people lose weight and keep their weight off for years. Decades ago, the Atkins Diet stirred things up in the dietary world – going against the conventional wisdoms of how to lose weight.

Atkins told his dieting audience that if they wanted to lose weight, bread had to take a backseat to meat. Losing weight meant losing carbohydrates. Atkins’ voiceful confidence in his dietary theories prevailed to make the Atkins Weight Loss Program one of the most recognized diets in the world. Diet eating took on a new form. Dieters were shocked that they could still savor the juicy red steak and lose weight at the same time. Flavors stayed and carbohydrates were exiled. The Atkins diet surpassed its “fad” status, and time has demonstrated that the Atkins diet is a scientifically proven way to lose weight successfully.

Back in 2007, the Washington Post reported a study done by Stanford University that compared four diets. Two were low-carb diets, one was a behavior modification diet, and one was a low-fat diet. These were all very popular diets that women chose to lose weight. The Atkins diet was one of the contenders, and the winner. More women were able to lose weight with the Atkins diet than the other low-carb diets that sought to capitalize on Atkins success. Additionally, more women were able to lose weight with the Atkins diet than they were with the low-fat diet and the diet that focused on losing weight with behavior modification.

Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program did more than just help women lose weight. It also helped women reduce their bad cholesterol. Triglycerides levels dropped. Triglycerides are linked to heart disease. The women losing weight with the Atkins diet also lowered their blood pressure, and had the highest increase in HDL – which is the good cholesterol. LDL, on the other hand, is bad cholesterol, and a major factor in the risks for heart disease.

Experts have speculated that Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program would substantially increase a dieter’s LDL. This would be a logical assumption since the Atkins Diet suggests that you can lose weight by substituting meat (high in saturated fats) for carbohydrates to help you lose weight. The results of the Stanford study showed only a slight increase in LDL levels; however, the LDL blood levels from the Atkins dieters were no different from the other dieters.

Eating to lose weight with the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program no longer has to carry the stigma that it’s a “fad.” Dieters can feel confident that they will lose weight with the Atkins diet. Eating healthy to lose weight with a low-carbohydrate diet will not cause the imminent heart failure that some dissidents feared.

Losing weight with the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program is the scientifically proven way to get your diet out of your book and onto your plate. You’ll lose weight, lose triglycerides, and gain some good HDL. The proven success of the Atkins diet means you don’t have to lose faith – the only thing you have to lose is weight.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips Free - 10 Tips to Lose Weight Fast-how Can I Lose Weight and Build Muscle

Lose weight Diet Plan free tips, articles, advice, guide, tops and plan with easy DIY method. You can lose weight in two ways through a diet plan or by doing exercises and workout. The most effective and best way to start losing pounds of fat and weight.

Lose weight advice online is not in short supply. Most of them will give you information on what kind of product to use or exercise to do. But losing weight is best done by a combination of methods and mental and physical preparedness to see it through. There are some very simple steps that you can take and Do it yourself starting to lose weight in days.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 1: Make a List of Foods

If you are trying to reduce weight by doing it yourself, then you can start by simply making a list of all the things you eat in a week. The easiest way to do this is to have a notebook with you at all times and take down all the food you eat and that includes breakfast, brunch, snacks, lunch, and even bitings. You may want to however consider the foods that are more frequent than the ones that are one offs. Once you have made your list you can now start to look at it closely with an intention of making a personal weight loss program that works.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 2: Review Your List

Your first list of foods you eat is your first step in identifying what you are eating wrong. You now need to review that list to find out which foods are unhealthy and leading to your weight gain. While reviewing your list, you should bear in mind that foods like fats do not help you lose weight, calorie intake not be too high since this only adds to more weight. Remove the unhealthy foods that you identified from your list as they cannot help you to lose weight.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 3: Replace the Foods Removed From List

Calorie intake is very critical and should not be reduced dramatically trying to lose weight. You will need to replace the foods that you remove from the list with more healthy foods that will help with your quest to lose weight. Replacing fatty foods with fiber and natural foods will help a lot.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 4: Make a Meal Plan for a Week

After replacing the foods in your previous diet, you need to make a healthy weight loss diet plan for a week. This diet plan should be the tightest, basic but healthy meal plan. Make sure that it is a well balanced diet. While making the lose weight diet program, you need to ensure that it has all the three important food types including some vitamins. The other most important thing is that your fat burning diet plan should be made such that it gradually reduces the amount of calorie content.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 5: Ration and Control Your Portions

This is where discipline is needed to maintain a program to lose weight. Most people lose out the battle in weight loss by not sticking to the defined weight loss diet plan. Sneaking and taking a bite of the banned foods just delays your body’s reaction to a diet plan. Similarly, even the portions of the right weight loss plan should be taken in moderation not to exceed the necessary daily calorie intake for desired results.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 6: Eat fiber foods

Foods with fiber are good for your stomach. It helps you to lose weight faster since fiber makes digestion and assimilation of food into the body faster. Some of the good fiber foods include dried apricots, rice, tomatoes, nuts and most fruits. Fiber foods will assist in your realizing weight loss results faster than if you did not take them.

Lose Weight Diet Plan Tips # 7: Take lots of water

Taking lots of water will also assist you to lose lots of weight fast. The body has a way of retaining water when it detects that the body is getting dehydrated. When you go on diet and fail to take enough water, your body goes in a distress mode and starts to retain water in some not so cute areas. This increases the overall weight in your body and it may make you deflated to realize little gains in weight loss. So water retention in your body is the first thing you have to get rid of and to do that you need to take more and more water.

Lose weight diet Plan Tips # 8: Work out or do some Exercise

To lose weight fast, you can decide to go either the diet plan way or the workout way. Losing weight through exercising achieves faster results and also burns fat into lean muscle. The best way to lose weight naturally however is to combine exercises and a good diet plan. Exercising also reduces the chance of developing muscular atrophy and keeps your body air and blood circulation in top form. You do not need to join a gym if you don’t have the money for that but you can do some easy exercises right at home without much stress.

Weight loss Diet Plan Tips # 9: Take aerobics

Aerobics are good for your heart and also help in faster weight loss. Most aerobic exercises will also burn the fat found in your belly, thighs, back and legs giving you a lean frame. Again, you don’t have to go to a gym to do aerobics if you can’t get the time or you don’t want to spend too much money. Some aerobics that you can do on your own include brisk walking, jogging, swimming and even dancing.

Weight Loss Diet Plan Tips # 10: Discipline, Motivation Consistency

It is not easy to follow strictly, a good weight loss diet program. Most of the times especially after the first week you will find the urge to sneak a bite of chocolate, burger or any of these foods. In fact, after sometime, your selected weight loss diet program will taste so routine you dread your next meal. But this is where you need the discipline and focus on your goal.

Again it’s good to work from a perspective of a targeted weight level rather than just saying you want to lose weight. Say, you want to be a size XYZ rather than, “I want to lose weight”. Stick to your guns and you will be propelled by the initial gains to achieve even more.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Natural Weight Loss & Its Benefits

Natural weight loss is the safest and most effective method to lose weight. When we eat good quality foods our bodies will take their own natural course and lose weight. A healthy diet combined with a regular exercise
program is definitely the way to proceed.

Natural weight loss is a big subject today for many people who do not understand the principle of eating only the amount they need for the amount physical activity they perform; nevertheless how many people follow this advice. You would think it would immediately put all those specialist diet companies and the whole industry out of business but that is not the case; a third of overweight Americans and millions globally, would disagree with this advice. Natural weight loss is related to Our current best medication for appetite and hunger suppression is a form of combination therapy using 2 prescription medications. Natural weight loss requires a clear vision and dedication. But, it is possible.

Natural weight loss is the perfect product for a home based business. Our natural products have many different uses, our natural products reduce cravings for successful weight loss. Natural weight loss is the best weight loss. Sustained weight loss is much easier to achieve with
a drug free weight loss regimen. Natural weight loss is the simple process of taking in less food and exercising more. This is without a doubt both the healthiest and cleanest method to lose weight.

Natural weight loss is the safest and most effective way at losing weight and helping you boost your health at the same time. If you are not a very strong willed person, then natural weight loss supplements do have the ability to give you a push in the right direction. Natural weight loss is especially important at the teenage years, as you are undergoing changes which can be stunted or dangerously accelerated without the proper fitness guidelines.

Dieting is most prevalent in western societies, so we would expect to see everyone getting thinner . No despite a vast dieting industry, the populations have been getting fatter and fatter! Dieting actually slows down your metabolic rate. For your body dieting is starvation, and it does not know how this starvation will last. Dietrine continues with this dedication though by providing the following free bonus offers with all paid offers.

Diet pills are not part of a healthy weigh loss program
and are never part of a natural weight loss plan. Most diet pills have very unhealthy side effects. Dietary Pills and weight-loss pills like Curvelle aren't subject to the same rigorous standards as are prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications. Thus, they can be sold with little proof of effectiveness or safety. The truth about dieting is that the weight comes off and in a short while we gain it all back. Most diets either have you starving your system or else
they are not geared realistically for you to follow for
the rest of your life.

Starting any natural weight loss program is an ongoing process, not an instantaneous, miracle cure.

Exercise and diet is a must: try to incorporate it into your routine activities. You can go everywhere with a little will power. The essential ingredient in a natural weight loss program is exercise; natural weight loss is improved by the addition of regular exercise, and of course, you will achieve much
better results than when dieting alone. Not only does exercise contribute to weight loss, rapid weight loss is also accompanied by reduced stress levels, an energy boost, increased body endurance, a reduced risk for diseases, and an overall improvement in the quality of life.

In this instance healthy refers to low in fat, salt and
sugar while including whole grains, vegetable and fruit. You can find a ton of healthy and delicious natural food recipes online. Healthy cooking requires just general cooking techniques. Natural cooking methods definitely provide the best flavor and also enables your food to retain its nutrition. Natural weight loss is very easy with the correct weight loss program.