Monday, March 24, 2008

Why Most Weight Loss Diets Don't Work

If you've ever gone on a diet,you've learned two things: dieting is no fun. And even if you lose some weight,you usually gain it back. But why is that?

There is plenty of medical evidence to prove that dieting actually can make you fat. And that happens because your body goes to war with any weight loss diet. They aren't natural and the body craves only a natural state of being. So as you struggle to find a weight loss diet that works, your body makes it tougher and tougher for that unnatural state to persist, which results in the negative effects of yo yo dieting: weight gain.

In this article, we examine the physical reasons why your body sabotages your efforts to diet. We'll also look at ways to overcome them so your weight loss diet has a better chance of working.

Defense Mechanisms Overview
Our bodies have defense mechanisms that evolved in us throughout history. In early times, food shortages required the body to accumulate fat stores to protect against the lean times. And to this day,our bodies are still programmed this way, even though it's no longer needed.

So when we go on a diet, the body thinks hard times are here so it goes into fat-storage mode to protect us. The more dieting you do, the more your body thinks it has to store fat. Your task,if you want to lose weight, is to outsmart the following defense mechanisms.

We often use the word metabolism - "I have a slow metabolism", "I have a fast metabolism." But what does it really mean in terms of a weight loss diet?

Metabolism refers to all the processes occurring in the body that are responsible for life: your heartbeat, your body temperature, breathing, and the burning of calories to create energy. Your metabolism determines how many calories your body burns to do its job. That's how your metabolism can be influenced by any weight loss diet that restricts calories.

Repeated diets cause your body to slow down its metabolism in order to become more efficient and continue running on fewer calories.But when you end your diet and return to a normal caloric intake, your body isn't used to burning all those calories, so it stores the leftover ones as fat. So to prevent that, you now have to eat much less than before just to maintain your new weight. In other words: your diet can never end in order to be successful. And a diet without end is a dire prospect for most of us.

Fat-Storing Enzymes
LPL enzymes store fat. That's their job. When you diet, the LPL become more active and grow in number. The problem is, when you finish your diet, the LPL levels don't return to normal until you regain most of the weight you lost.Another way your body makes weight loss dieting very difficult. (Don't worry, we'll provide some sensible weight loss diet suggestions that DO work at the end of this article.)

Calorie Absorption
When you diet, your intestines get super efficient at absorbing calories. They go into overdrive, trying to fully stock the body with nutrients by getting as many calories out of the food you eat as possible, not letting any pass out of the body. So the result is logical: dieting makes your intestines very good at absorbing and storing up calories. Exactly what you don't want when you're on a weight loss diet to lose pounds.

The Body Fat Dilemma
Poor dieting can make you fatter than you were before. That's because when you lose the weight, it often comes from water and muscles. But when you gain it back, it returns in the form of fat. So you wind up with a higher proportion of fat to lean muscle than you had before.

Hormonal Disruptions
Low cal weight loss diets make your thyroid gland produce less of the hormone that regulates metabolism. And that can reduce your calorie burning ability by up to 15%. Not helpful for anyone trying to lose weight.

Skipping Breakfast
Missing meals may be the worst kind of weight loss diet because calories taken early in the day are burned off faster than those eaten at night. So skipping breakfast and eating more in the evening actually contributes to the weight problem. In fact, eating all your daily calories for breakfast can lead to weight loss, eating them all at night leads to weight gain.

Training Your Stomach
Overeating at meal time stretches out the stomach.That trains it to want more food in order to get that full feeling. But people who eat small meals more often need and want less food. The stomach can be trained over time to adapt to smaller meals and snacks taken throughout the day. When the stomach is smaller, it will fill faster and demand less food.

Beating Your Body's Defense Mechanisms
As promised, here are some ways to override your body's defenses and create a sensible, effective weight loss diet that really works:

1. Don't yo-yo diet. Come up with a healthy weight loss diet plan and see it through until you get results.
2. Don't drop calorie intake below 1,000 a day. The body sees this as a threat. Instead, eat enough calories that contain the right balance of nutrients like proteins and carbs while reducing fats.
3. Include fiber in any weight loss diet plan. It helps food and fats pass through the intestines quickly, rather than getting absorbed in the form of calories.
4. Avoid simple carbs like sugars: they are quickly absorbed by the body as blood sugar which increases insulin - the enemy of weight loss diets.
5. Drink caffeine in moderation for the same reason. It stimulates insulin secretion.
6. Never go hungry. Eating regular meals and snacks will help eliminate those dangerous cravings and keep your body's defense mechanisms from going into starvation mode.
7. Eat more of your daily calories early in the day and less of them later.
8. Be content with slow weight loss. This prevents the body from going on defense and allows the weight loss to continue gradually.
9. Keep the weight off with exercise.

One More Thing
Even following these guidelines, some people who are obese or very overweight find it difficult to lose weight. For them, medication may help to support their weight loss diet.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

All the Truths About Fat

Most people are focused on fat. We all hear about the idea that fat is not something good nowadays. Since the time we are small children everyone taught us that fat is not good for us. In fact, some may be worried about calories rather than fat. To be frank you should be worrying about both of them. You should try to avoid junk food. It is always a good idea to get calories from foods that are good for your health.

Most people eat bread every day of their lives. To some extents we are addicted to carbs. I know I am. I eat so much bread and other carbs. However, I will not eat too much of it. It is just like the case of fat. There is nothing wrong when you eat fat. However, eating too much of it will render problem. You will be suffering from the problem of hear attack if you take too much of fat. What is even worse is that you do not really exercise at all.

In fact, not all fat is the same though. Some fat is worse than others. There are items that are lower in saturated fat. For example, meats and cheeses fall into this category. On the other hand, there is food that contains more saturated fat. Some of the examples of such food will be French fries and potato chips.

You may think that oils are also not good since in most cases oil is just another word of fat. However, you should also know that oils such as olive oil are low in saturated fats. As a result, you should try to use this for cooking. Of course you should use as little oil as possible. Sometimes we will overuse oil because the food gets stuck on the cookware. To this end you should try to use non sticky cookware. This will help you to reduce the use of oil and this will probably make you healthier.

As you may know, you will be in health risks if you have diets high in fat. You are at higher risk of having sugar problems and heart disease. You may also have the risk of having cancer. Skin problem will also appear if you take diets of high fat. Remember, taking little fat will not render any problem to you. However, if you continuously take a lot of fat, the chance is that you will have a lot of health problem!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Fast Weight Loss Tip - Top Fast Weight Loss Techniques

Top Fast Weight Loss Techniques

Other than physical appearance weight affects a person in many ways. This could be the overall quality of life, self-esteem, depression, health risks, and physical incapabilities. There are a lot of positive changes once a person experience weight loss. It is for this reason why a lot of people are searching for a weight loss technique that will surely trim down those fats and get a super slim head turner body.

The first thing that an over-weight should do is seek a doctor to recommend the best weight loss regimen. This will be done after a full physical examination, which leads to the determination of proper weight loss technique. And to lose weight fast and effectively four aspects of life should be changed: what to eat, how to eat, behavior and activity level.

Here are fast tips that can change an over-weight's life:

First: Fast weight loss composes of a multi-faceted technique that consists mindset, exercise, and in other cases, diet supplements. Begin by learning a diet food plan that can easily be accustomed with. Incorporate an exercise plan that allows even at least fifteen minutes a day like brisk walking, running, swimming, and dancing.

Second: Set realistic approaches. The ability to focus and have proper mindset enables someone on a diet to quickly lose those extra pounds. With discipline and proper mind set, a dieter will never be discouraged and lose focus.

Third: Listen as the body speaks. Each and everyone's body metabolism reacts differently to different fast weight loss programs and plans. Try substituting one program for another to compensate the body's reaction. Exercise program must be suitable to one's body, as others are not able to exercise as rigorously as others can. If walking is all that can be done, then walk for this is proven the best exercise. Muscles burn more calories than fats so it's also best to put on a little muscle and looking good too.

Fourth: Eat more fibers for it makes a person full sooner and stays in the tummy longer, slowing down the rate of digestion. A single serving of whole grain bread moves fat through the digestive system faster. Grains turn into blood sugar that spikes the body's insulin level. Thus, making the body more energized and ready to tell the body when it should stop burning fats or start storing.

Fifth: Keep away from fried foods especially deep-fried as this contains a great amount of fat. Although fish and chicken appear leaner than beef, this white meat can contain more fat than when a beef is fried. It is recommended for those on strict diet to opt for grilled food as this does not have or contain less amount of fat after the food is cooked.

Sixth: Takes lots of fluid. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day keeps the body refreshed. Since weight loss depends on how the body eliminates body wastes, the body must stay hydrated.

All in all, discipline and consistency is still the best practice and the key to a rapid weight loss success. Light dieting, workout, and right amount of supplementation applied in a regular way everyday will result in faster weight loss than having a massive action only to be followed a return to old habits as this would only lead to gaining more weight than when the weight loss plan has started.

Losing Weight is a Journey That Starts With a Single Step

For most people, losing weight can be a lifelong struggle. There are many reasons for this. Sometimes people must take medication for another ailment or disease which causes an increase in hunger. Or the medication may affect the person's metabolism, slowing it down.

These reasons can cause weight loss. Other people suffer from psychological problems with food that can make weight loss impossible without counseling. These people turn to food for comfort or to fill an emotional void. In this case, eating is just a substitute for something else. Food can never fill this void so the person continues to eat in the hopes of filling this unfulfilled void. Both of these situations can lead to weight gain and even to obesity.

However, there are a few simple things you can do to help with your weight loss. The first is not to diet. That is right, do not diet! A diet is simply a short-term process which is meant for a rapid weight loss. However, this can not be sustained and after the diet is over, the person usually gains back all of their weight and more! Instead of diet, you must approach weight loss as a lifestyle change. A lifestyle change implies that this is a long-term process that takes time to implement but will have last effects.

I have two friends who illustrate both points. The first, we'll call "Lily." Lily went to L.A. Weight Loss and paid her fees for the 12 week program. She stuck to her diet and she lose 21 pounds! Great! However, after she finished her three-week program, she did not return. Slowly, the pounds came back and today, Lily is fatter than she was before she went on her diet. Contrast that with our next example. "Doug" was addicted to soda. He'd have one or two with lunch, one for an afternoon "pick-me-up", and one or two with dinner. (You'll need a big calculator to add up all of those "empty" calories!) So, to start living a healthier life, Doug decided on a lifestyle change. He stopped drinking soda. He instead drinks unsweetened teas and water. After six months, Doug has lost (and maintained his weight loss) 50 pounds. Plus, he claims to have more energy than ever before!

If your weigh gain is due to medical reasons such as medications that increase hunger or reduce metabolism, then talk to your doctor about it. There are hundreds of new drugs that come to market every year and there may be an alternative that doesn't have this unwanted side-effect. Or perhaps, your doctor could adjust the dose of your medication to help reduce these cravings for food or reduction in metabolism.

So, as you can see, weight loss requires an entirely new mindset. If you require medication, talk to your doctor about changing or reducing your medication. If you need to eliminate certain foods from your diet, pick one and start there. Just remember, the longest journey starts with a single step. Weight loss, and permanent weight loss, is definitely a journey worth taking.

Weight Loss Tips - 5 Simple Tips For Eating At Restaurants

Going out to eat is one of America's favorite pastimes. That's evidenced by the billions of dollars we spend each year doing so. While it may be fun eating out, it can also be very fattening if you're not careful. Here are 5 simple tips to keep in mind when eating at restaurants and trying to lose weight.

1. Just Say No To Appetizers

When asked if you would like an appetizer, just say no. The same for the pre-meal loaf of bread or rolls. At the very least, take home the appetizer for later. Just don't eat them before your meal.

2. Watch The Dinner Salad

Dinner salads are great if you watch what is on them. Lettuce, tomatoes, carrots or other vegetables are fine. But, leave off the bacon bits or croutons. Stick to an Italian dressing or an oil and vinegar based dressing. Forget about the thick creamy ranch or thousand island.

3. Watch The Sides

Many dishes you order come with some kind of rice or pasta. Avoid this if at all possible. Substitute the rice for a side of fresh vegetables or the seasoned veggies. Filling up on rice or pasta will only contribute to filling out your waistline.

4. No Fried Or Breaded Foods

A deep-fat fried chicken steak may taste good, but it also puts on the pounds. This even applies to a fish dinner. Instead, order the broiled fish or even the shrimp, etc that is not breaded.

5. Pass On The Desert

Desert may be tempting, but again, just say no. Stuffing yourself after a meal with the chocolate brownie delight is doing nothing for your diet and weight loss goals. It only goes straight to your waistline.

These 5 simple tips can greatly help you with any weight loss plan you are on. Even if you are not on a diet they can help you keep your weight in check if you eat out a lot.